Sharing experience: key success meetings…
06 Sep 2019

Sharing experience: key success meetings…

The “key success” sessions are giving a voice to women and men looking back on their exceptional path. Whether they have created their company or have taken over the leadership of the familial group, these industry leaders from across Africa will share with us their stories, which stem sometimes from success, sometimes from disillusionments, and will offer us a rare diversity of views allowing us to understand all the sides of business life in Africa.


We are especially delighted to welcome:

  • Babalwa NGONYAMA (South Africa), Chief Executive Officer, Sinayo Securities
  • Daouda FALL (Guinea), Chief Executive Officer, Brahms Group
  • Thomas CAMARA (Ivory Coast) General Manager, Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage
  • Ibrahima DIABY (Ivory Coast), Managing Director, PETROCI